
All things WordPress and WPBakery Page Builder - news, updates, and tutorials.

Moving To WordPress Frontend Editor from Backend

If you are involved in WordPress web development, or content management, then you probably have noticed more folks talking about about taking web content management and page building to the front end. Such an approach seems to be quite logical, especially if we are talking about lowering the barrier for people without deep IT and […]

Choosing WordPress for Business

When thinking about the development of a website for your company or personal use there are plenty of options in terms of choosing custom or “out of the box” solutions. None can tell you which approach or technology is perfect for reaching your goals, nevertheless, there are crucial factors that you must take into consideration […]

Effective Content Management with Templates

Reuse of the content is the heart of content management strategy. Such an approach reduces the time and effort spent on managing your website. You don’t have to spend hours and hours making fundamental changes within different sections of your website or thinking about how to stick your content to the website and brand guidelines […]

Become Developer of WPBakery Page Builder Add-ons

Dear fellow developer, WPBakery Page Builder offers a powerful API that allows 3rd party developers to implement their own unique WPBakery Page Builder add-ons to sell them on CodeCanyon as compatible plugins. By doing so, we encourage groups of developers and individuals to take part in the growth of WPBakery Page Builder and its related […]