WPBakery Page Builder WordPress Plugin Add-ons Sales Popularity

Within the last 3 months, the trend has been set for 2+ WordPress add-ons for the WPBakery Page Builder plugin appearing on CodeCanyon each week. Moreover, 25% of these items have entered WordPress weekly sales top and some of them are staying there for good. Every developer on CodeCanyon knows that add-ons for WPBakery Page Builder are a trendy and fast-growing field with more and more users purchasing them in order to expand the capabilities of WPBakery Page Builder.

How competitive WordPress add-ons for WPBakery Page Builder are?

The question is ‘How competitive add-ons for WPBakery Page Builder are in comparison to other items?’ While making research we discovered that there are usually 3 to 6 items appearing on CodeCanyon under the WordPress category each day. This is around 30 items per week, which means approximately 10% of all items are add-ons for WPBakery Page Builder. These are very impressive numbers, don’t you think so?

But there is something even more shocking when you are looking at the sales numbers of individual items. The items which are considered add-ons to the WPBakery Page Builder plugin have more than 100% more sales than other items appearing in the same period.

The add-ons of WPBakery Page Builder have more than 100% more sales than other items in the same period.

I hope that some of you are now speechless after seeing this data, but even more, I hope that those who are working or planning to work on plugins for WordPress will now strongly consider making them fully compatible with WPBakery Page Builder in order to create a common sales network backed up by lots and lots of developers and specialists in WordPress area.

Raitis Sevelis is a seasoned product manager at WPBakery who loves design and community